Integrating Virtual Reality into Training

VR enhances distance learning

VR makes distance learning more immersive and engaging than traditional classrooms by simulating real-world environments, enabling hands-on experiences, and fostering interactive collaboration.

Immersive Learning Experience

VR creates realistic, interactive environments that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing students to engage in hands-on learning beyond traditional online methods.

Enhanced Collaboration & Engagement

VR fosters real-time interaction between students and instructors, improving engagement, teamwork, and networking opportunities, making online learning more dynamic.

Practical Skill Development

VR enables students to practice and apply their knowledge in simulated professional settings, enhancing competency-based learning and preparing them for real-world challenges.

VR for educators

SIMI Swiss is developing a specialized program to help lecturers and educators ntegrate VR into teaching, enhancing engagement, interactivity, and real-world learning experiences.

VR for Educator and Trainer training program

VR Educators and Trainers is a professional program that equips educators with the skills to effectively integrate Virtual Reality (VR) into teaching, enhancing learning experiences.

The ways that VR affects practical training

Realistic Hands-On Training
Flexible and Scalable Learning
Enhanced Engagement and Interactivity

SIMI Swiss

SIMI Swiss is the first higher education institute in Zug, Switzerland, and the owner of the AI Institute of Switzerland.

Smart Uni

AI Institute of Switzerland is a key part of SIMI Swiss's Smart University strategy, implemented across all operations.
